Davide Enselme
Establishing DIKO Subsea has been one of the most important milestones in my life. It was the result of a long process that started when I realized that, to date, there had been no commercial diving company in South Korea capable of providing commercial diving services in compliance with international certification standards, usually required by clients as a guarantee of quality, efficiency, and safety at work.
I have learned how to do my job as a professional commercial diver from France’s best of the best. All the know-how I have acquired during my career has been passed down through several generations of professional commercial divers. Now I feel duty-bound to pass on this know-how to the next generation of commercial divers while actively contributing to the innovation and enhancement of the commercial diving industry in South Korea.
I certainly believe that DIKO Subsea will be a crucial player in developing the “K-commercial diving and maritime industry” and will lead South Korea’s transformation into one of the most advanced and innovative countries in the field of commercial diving. It might be a long journey for my team and me until we achieve our initial goals, but I do not doubt that our passion, resilience, and commitment to excellence will allow us to exceed them.
I am proud to say that DIKO Subsea is a socially responsible company committed to business sustainability and compliance with best ESG practices, focusing on safety and health, environmental protection, community relations, workforce diversity, and ethics. DIKO Subsea’s corporate culture is based on core values such as the promotion and implementation of high-quality customer service, responsible business practices, strict safety and health protocols, protection of the environment, and strong ethics.
Safety is a priority for me due to the dangerous nature of some commercial diving activities. I have worked for more than 17 years in the commercial diving industry. I have never been involved in any labor accident because I have always strictly adhered to the standards of safety applicable to the industry. I am committed to establishing a safety culture that will guarantee a safe work environment for my team, clients, and partners, that will certainly increase productivity, raise team morale, and improve DIKO Subsea’s reputation.
I intend that DIKO contributes significantly to social and economic development globally by promoting a solid commercial diving sector, the expansion of the “Blue Economy” together with the development of “Blue Technologies” as major economic growth drivers, and the implementation of inclusive, sustainable activities to improve the well-being of socially disadvantaged and vulnerable community members such as orphans and children in vulnerable situations.